Thanks for taking the time to make a Milford Junior high related candle it is lovely and shows how truly motivated you are to giving back.
Love this company and their long lasting candles and on top of that good humor!
I purchased this last year during a fundraiser and was pleasantly surprised by the scent; it is a fantastic fall-winter transition candle and has just enough fruit notes that make me feel it would withstand as a spring scent as well. Well made, strong scent that carries well, that does not smell artificial in any way. Looking forward to purchasing more from this brand
It's like no other berry scent you can find at a store
They nailed it! You'll be hungry for berries as soon as you light it
I don't know how to describe it - fresh, classy and layered scents of gorgeousness!! You'll just have to try for yourself - it's that good
This is a vibrant and warm scent that is just enough to make your house smell crispy and wintery - but not fake-ish and overdone like other candles I've tried
I don't know how they do it - cut this minty marvel is subtle and amazing . I can't get enough of it.
This candle is layers of classy and pleasant fragrances. It makes my house smell amazing
This candle makes my house smells like Christmas tree and happiness. How can one candle have so much joy!
These candles burn so clean !!!! This scent reminds of growing up in Michigan and taking walks in the woods at my grandmothers farm. So crisp and wintery just love it!
❤️Sandy Nelsen
I just love the smell of this candle. It definitely have the wonderful smells of Christmas.
❤️ Sandy Nelsen
One of my new favorites, I’d burn this year round & gift to anyone. I’m not usually a fan of candles that list spice, but this one is so nicely balanced and just smells pleasant and luxurious.
Obsessed with this one! I used to burn the Hot Cocoa candles from Bath&Body Works, and this brings back those days but better with the addition of peppermint and less sweetness, plus just the great quality from Soy Light.
Can’t go wrong with this one, perfect to burn all winter
Love the smell of this candle! It’s strong, so obviously if you’re not a fan of bourbon or butterscotch, it’s not for you. But this one and the Rustic Farmhouse were sleeper hits! Both sold out quickly at the event I was at, and one person bought 4 Bourbon candles for gifts. Perfect for the holidays without being your traditional Christmas scent.